Hands Down (2010)
Solo Hand Drums
Duration: 3:00
Publisher: Innovative (2012)
Price: $10


Hands Down received its premier performance by Dr. Chad Floyd at the 2010 Kentucky Collegiate Music Educators Fall Conference in Elizabethtown, Kentucky as a demonstration of hand drumming technique.  The piece uses a variation of hand, bush, and bundle stick techniques on djembe, conga, quinto, and bongos.

Review published in Percussive Notes:
“Created for a presentation demonstrating hand drum techniques, this three-minute work showcases an advanced performer’s tone production, facility, and hand-to-hand coordination. Utilizing a small world percussion setup, one must be experienced with bass tones, muted tones, open tones, slaps, and heel-toe technique before approaching this work. Exploring other unique timbres, Chad Floyd makes use of both a wire brush and a “bundlz” stick. With the amount of differing techniques, the descriptive engraving helps avoid any confusion.

Loosely using a single motivic idea between sections, this through-composed piece is based around sixteenth note groupings of 2-2-3. Although it is not metrically structured in 7/16, this thematic element serves as a common idea between the sections. While I enjoy the entire piece, my favorite part is the introduction. Clear thematic elements, improvisational ideas, and hemiolas make for an attention-grabbing opening.

The next few sections revolve around highly syncopated grooves. Using hand coordination similar to that on drumset, the composer continues to incorporate improvisational elements. With the help of a tempo change, the last 20 measures increase the intensity before reaching a sudden end.

I always appreciate recital programs that contain variety in style, mood, and instrumentation. If your next performance is lacking the element of world music, this piece can provide a quick taste of a different flavor the audience will likely enjoy.”

– Darin Olson, Percussive Notes March, 2013

Equipment used in video ….
Pearl Elite Series congas, oak shells (11″, 11.75″)
Pearl Elite Series bongos, oak shells (7″, 9″)
Pearl Elite Series djembe, oak shell (12.5″)
Evans Tri-Center conga heads
Remo Tucked Nuskyn bongo heads
Pearl factory djembe head
Innovative Percussion medium wire brushes
Innovative Percussion bundlz
Pearl Pro conga stands
Pearl All Fit bongo stand
Pearl All Fit djembe stand
Canon EOS 7D camera
Shure SM81LC
Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 Audio Interface
Pro Tools
Apple Macbook Pro